Monday, November 26, 2018
A Life-sketch of Pastor Pastor Thiyagadahs Frederick Paul
Pastor T. F. Paul, the Chief Pastor of the Ceylon Pentecostal Mission, had his "Home Call" on Monday, the 30th of July 1973. In the early hours of that quiet morning heaven's gates were opened to receive Pastor T. F. Paul's soul. One could imagine the words, "well done, thou good and faithful servant" being sung by Heaven's Choir to receive one of God's
faithful servants. One could truly say that he would have been ushered into the portals of heaven as rare gem that came forth in due course of time.
Early Life and Education Pastor Thiyagadahs Frederick Paul affectionately known as Pastor Freddy, was born on the 1st of February 1915 in Ceylon.
He was the eldest son of the late Pastor P. Paul who founded the Ceylon Pentecostal Mission in Ceylon sometime in 1923. He was the eldest boy and second member in the family of five children.
At the age of 5, Freddy was admitted in the Royal College in Ceylon, a Public School, run on the pattern of English County Schools. He was doing very well there and was an outstanding student.
Later on, when his father was called to this glorious ministry and to live by faith, the dedicated and extremely spiritual father, did not want the son to continue in the College study, but desired that the son should suffer with him Pastor Freddy was god-fathered by a famous doctor in Ceylon by name Dr. Asarappa. Seeing the apparent foolish attitude of Pastor Paul,in forsaking his all and withdrawing his children from Colleges, Dr. Asarappa was troubled about the future of the children,
and offered to send young Freddy to England at his own expense and educate him there. But the reply given by this man of faith was: " I am going to die for the Lord and I want my children to die before me and I to follow." Like Isaac and Abraham of Bible days, our young man offered himself to follow the course his father took. But God who is faithful in hispromises, raised up able teachers to give private tuition to these children. Thus all the children received very proper education. Thank God.
Receiving the Holy Spirit and Call for the Ministry At the age of 9, young Freddy was filled with the Holy Spirit, which according to his own witness revolutionised his life and
his outlook was completely changed. He became a prayer warrior from that early age. His motto all the time was: "More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of." When Pastor P. Paul dedicated his all God began to raise up other men and women of the same calibre and they also joined this little band. This life of living with strangers of various exteriors would have been very hard for a young boy. He could not have expected love from everybody: and the only solution was, for him to love them in spite of their attitude towards him. This is exactly what he practised. Therefore to
the very end of his life he could boldly say that he had no bitterness against anybody. This is really a great quality which sustained him throughout his life. From his childhood, Pastor Freddy had gone through much privation and hardship. This early training had moulded him and shaped him to be a man of great inner strength and courage. As a young man he was bright and intelligent. At a
time when he should have chosen a prosperous career like any normal person, he chose the narrow path of dedication,and voluntarily forsook everything and consecrated his entire life for this apostolic ministry. However, times were difficult and days of hardship and starvation followed. Sometimes he walked many miles without food. He had slept on hard floors. In the midst of all these hardships, one could always see the smiling face of this young lad as though saying:
"Were the whole realm of nature mine that was an offering far too small:
For love so great, so divine, demands my life, my all."
Ministry of the Later Period
He started serving God in the Lord's Vineyard as a youth from his fourteenth year. In 1942, he was made an. elder and thereafter in 1945 he was ordained a Pastor. Even before he pioneered the work in the Western Countries, such as, France,England and the United States in the 1950s, he had already served for the glory of God in many parts of Ceylon and India.
Praise the Lord!
Pastor Freddy was really an affectionate father. He could be approached by anyone at any time with any problem. His loving nature had brought many friends, brothers, sisters, sons and daughters from all over the world into his life and care. He was always seen with small notebooks which he carried with him wherever he went. In these books be had the names of all those who had depended on his prayers. Very often, even when he was tired and weak, he was seen sitting on his bed and praying in real earnestness and burden. Apart from this, he carried in his heart the burden of the church
as a whole. At times, when he was faced with an overwhelming problem, he would forget himself, sit quietly closing his eyes and whisper in "tongues", for hours on end. Once this was over and these burdens lifted, he would be his normal humorous self again. The humorous side of his character was one of his many sterling qualities which made him very lovable. His position never induced him to put on any false form of greatness. He never tried to impress of anything that he was not. Further, he always had a word of comfort for those in difficulty, which made them look aside from their
burdens and problems and smile a while.
Developments in 1962
At times of great stress people had observed with admiration the way he conducted himself. He was always calm and confident in the midst of storms and tribulations. He was now ready for the greatest crisis of his life, so to say. In 1962, there blew a storm inside the walls of the Mission, in the midst of which Pastor Freddy kept very calm and overcame all obstacles to the amazement of one and all. He proved his greatness in this conflict, and was unanimously appointed as the Chief Pastor of the Mission in the same year. Being thrust into this high office, he had to shoulder various forms of
responsibilities. For the past eleven years, he had steered the wheels of authority through many troubled waters, but he had never failed "to deliver the goods "The last moments of Pastor Freddy
The endearing attributes of Pastor Freddy never diminished even when weakness or sickness prevailed upon him. He was, because of his extensive travels and weight of work, often taken seriously ill. Four years ago, when he was in the USA, he was taken with acute pneumonia, and people attending on him thought that he would pass away. He had to be brought
back to Ceylon by another Pastor. His increasing responsibilities taxed him more and more until a few months ago he was taken ill again, and he continued to lose health and strength.
His last trip to India was to attend the Madras Convention in March this year, and at that time, too, he was sick and very weak and in spite of that he spoke a few words of exhortation to the congregation in the Sunday morning service. On Monday, he presided over the General Body meeting and also took some new workers for the ministry. On Tuesday, after the Convention, he returned to Ceylon and subsequently became seriously ill and was taken to Kandy for rest. By about the end of May, he was brought to Mattakuliya from Kandy and he was there till his home call. He gradually began to
improve in health. About 2 weeks before his death he took a turn for the worse. He complained of giddiness and said he was in for a stroke. But, thank God, the Lord, did not allow a stroke, through the fervent prayers of many saints of God. Nevertheless, day-by-day, his desire for food and even drinks lessened. The day before his death, when he was asked why he did not take anything he said. `Man shall not live by bread alone". He must have felt his time had come and must have
been preparing to meet his Master.When his condition deteriorated a cable was sent to Pastor A.C. Thomas who was holding Convention in Malaysia at that time. On receipt of this cable, Pastor Harry who was also there immediately returned to Ceylon and spent much time in prayer with Pastor Freddy. Before the Kuala Lumpur Convention, Pastor A. C. Thomas also came and spent about 4 days with him. i.e. from 24-27,July 73. Pastor Freddy was able to discuss many matters with him and thereafter he was quite happy. He called some senior people and said that Pastor A.C. Thomas, would be the Chief Pastor of the C.P.M. and put this in writing and got them to sign it as witnesses. Pastor A.C. Thomas had to return to Kuala Lumpur for the Convention.Day by day he was gradually going down though very alert in spirit. Even the day before his death, he was talking to
visitors making short prayers and giving instructions.
Entering Glory
On Sunday the 29th inst. Pastor Freddy became very quiet and slept peacefully. There was the usual Sunday evening service in Mattakuliya, and many of the believers who came there saw him after the service, but he was sleeping. At about 9-30 p.m. on the same day he became restless. As people gathered around him and sang and praised God, he too joined them in song and praise. After sometime he slept and again awoke at about 3.30 a.m. As people around him continued
to sing and praise God, he joined and said "Sweet music. Hallelujah". A little later he fixed his eyes as if he saw someone in front of him. Then gradually he turned his eyes as if he was following that person and breathed his last, while others were praising God. His Master whom he served faithfully to the end, called him to glory at 3.55 a.m. on Monday the 30th of July 1973. Glory be to his holy name!
Funeral Service
The body of the late Pastor Freddy was kept lying in state at the Ceylon Pentecostal Mission Headquarters, at 41, Green Path, Kollupitiya, Colombo for four days. Thousands of believers, workers, friends and also Christians from other churches flooded in to pay their last respects. Solemn songs and music were heard day and night during those days. There were tears and sorrow, yet beneath all that sadness was a note of triumph and rejoicing.
" A warrior has gone Home.
A good fight was well fought.
The course never side stepped'
The faith never wavered." (II Tim. 4 : 7).
Four testimonial meetings were held in those days and many spoke about the blessings they had received from the life and example of this great man of God. People of God thronged from all over Ceylon. Some servants of God flew from England, Malaysia. Singapore and India. They all gave thanks to God for giving them ``a man after his own heart". The funeral service was held on Thursday the 2nd of August 1973 at 2 p.m. The congregation steadily grew until there were
about 5000 people. Pastor A.C. Thomas who succeeded him as Chief Pastor, conducted the service.
Sunday, November 25, 2018
TPM ERNAKULAM CONVENTION PROCESSION RALLY was held on 25.11.2018from Eramaloor convention ground to Eramalloor junction. pls watch the above link. The convention will Start from November 29 to Decmber 2 2018
Wednesday, November 14, 2018
The Pentecostal Mission Thiruvalla Centre Pastor M.V.MATHAIKUTTY (68) ENTERED GLORY ON NOVEMBER 15th 12:58 am.The Funeral service will be held on 16th morning 11:00 am at Thiruvalla (The pentecostal Mission) Hall and later the service at the Church Cemetry.He was born in a place called Sultan Battery in North kerala.He came to this faith and later dedicated to full time ministry. He served God in various places Calicut,Trichur,Punalur,kottayam,Thiruvalla.during his tenure of 43 years in this minsitry.
Monday, November 12, 2018
is generally thought that religion concerns do’s and don’ts. From one religion
to another just about everything in life is covered. Some religions forbid
eating of certain foods; others regulate what you can or cannot wear; others
are concerned about special days and feasts, etc., etc.
Bible says that the Law came by Moses; and, indeed, he was a law giver par
excellance. However, Paul writes indicating that Moses’ law has been superseded
by the New Testament grace of Jesus Christ, but some of Paul’s teachings have
been interpreted in diverse ways by different groups. In all these matters to
whom shall we look? Who has the ultimate answer?
Christ is the Answer
Lord Jesus Christ not only has the answer to this and to all questions, Christ is the answer. The problem is that man looks
on the outward appearance, but God looks on the heart. It is Christ in you that is the hope of glory. When Christ
is our life, the answer is within us.
Samuel saw Eliab he wanted to anoint him to be king. He was an extremely
impressive person, splendid in every way. “But the Lord said unto Samuel, Look
not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused
him: for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward
appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart.” Lately,
many faithful church goers have been shaken to their roots as the sins of some
of their most admired priests have been exposed by the media—and not Catholics
only—there have been Protestants also.
said, “You just don’t know who you can trust anymore.” Our answer is a solid
and resounding, “We do know Who you can trust, and we urge you to run to Him
and put your trust in Him.” He lived and died and rose again in perfect
righteousness, holiness, and victory. There is no fault in Him.
brings us back to our question. What is wrong with taking medicine? The answer
is Jesus Christ. Put your faith in Christ alone and submit your life to Him.
“None of them that trust in Him shall be desolate.” (Ps 24.22)
Lord Jesus said, “Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto
you. Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself,
except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me ...for
without me ye can do nothing...” (Jn 15.1-14)
many may be concerned with, “Why can’t I do this or that?” God is concerned
about the faith and love of your innermost being. “Without faith it is
impossible to please Him, for he that cometh to God must believe that He is and
that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.” When you believe in
the Lord, and love Him with all your heart, and put your trust in Him, you will
do the right thing from the heart. It will be the true person that you really
are shining forth —it will be Christ who is your life living within you.
shed His blood on the cross for the remission of our sins, and by His stripes
we are healed. Trusting in the Lord, even unto death, is a natural response to
loving Him with all our heart. Saints all over the world and down through the
ages have trusted their bodies to the Lord even unto great suffering, torture,
starvation, and death. “Who through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought
righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions, quenched the
violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made
strong...Women received their dead raised to life again: and others were
tortured, not accepting deliverance; that they might obtain a better
resurrection: and others had trial of cruel mockings and scourgings, yea,
moreover of bonds and imprisonment: they were stoned, they were sawn asunder,
were tempted, were slain with the sword: they wandered about in sheepskins and
goatskins; being destitute, afflicted, tormented; (of whom the world was not
worthy...)” (Heb 11.33-38)
lives are far above any law that could ever be written—it is the law of faith
and love. Sister Joyce’s testimony is elsewhere in this magazine. She was a
medical doctor, but she answered the call of her Lord and put her trust in Him
and clung to Him the rest of her life. Yes, she is dead and gone, but gone
where?—into the eternal arms of the Lord whom she loved and in whom she trusted
with all her heart.
dear saints never think of asking questions like, “Why can’t I do this or
that?” Their heart’s quest is, “How can I draw closer to Him? How can I love
Him more, and serve Him better.” The Bible says, “There is no law against
love!” “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy
soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbor as
thyself ...this do, and thou shalt live.” (Lk 10.27-28)
your complete trust in the Lord for this life and for eternity. Love Him and
seek Him with all your heart, and surrender your body to Him as a living
sacrifice. Eternal life is not a matter of do’s and don’ts. It is, “In Him we
live, and move and have our being.” God has appointed that all should die and
then the judgment, and this includes priests, druggists, and doctors. God is no
respecter of persons.
beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your
bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reason-able
service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the
renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and
perfect, will of God.” (Rom 12.1-2)
“If ye then be
risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on
the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the
earth. For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God. When Christ,
who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory.
Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication,
uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which
is idolatry: for which things’ sake the wrath of God cometh on the children of ye also put off all these; anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy,
filthy communication out of your mouth. Lie not one to another, seeing that ye
have put off the old man with his deeds; and have put on the new man, which is
renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him.” (Col 3.1-10).
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