Tuesday, October 9, 2018



             As I try to recall the last five days of 1963 the days of our Convention the words of the psalmist - ‘‘The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places. Yea I have a goodly heritage’ Ps.16:6 flash through my mind. Yes, it did me good to be present in the Saraswathi  hall during those five days. The Convention was in very truth a good one. To me it seemed the best since I came to Pentecost. A friend who exchanged thoughts with me says“Many are the lasting impressions.

     The solemnity of the morning services was very mark and give to them a feature unknown before. The inspiring testimonies,  especially of the poor folk ‘who showed a childlike gratitude to God, as he  had actually helped them, were a blessing to many. Those. particularly of a poor old mother, and of an old man touched our hearts, because of their unaffected simplicity.

               The testimony of the worker who spoke of the bitter experiences he bad to pass through as he had rejected the call to Service at first, should have sounded a note of warning to those who have been postponing coming to serve the Lord, although convinced of the call.’

           The hymn with their concepts of praise and prayer were like ignition wires that caused the sparks which ignited the mind to find in a message of the different preachers edifying thoughts and valuable exhortations.

           It is not possible to dwell on all the messages as one should ’l like. but I deem it good to look at a few of the “pleasant places” that were opened up in the power of the Spirit by the preachers. The boldness with which each one spoke showed us who listened, that they were conscious that the message had come from God. There flowed forth rivers of living water.

       Our chief pastor in his quiet persuasive manner, on the evening of the first day, opened for us the familiar door of God’s love God’s purpose in sending .Jesus Crist in to this world of sin was his love for man. It was no “cheap grace” that brought salvation to man. With authority pastor Freddy declared the sdemn words which made my to tremble. “The value of a man’s soul in God’s sight is the BLOOD of Jesus”

           How costly is our salvation. Could we neglect it? Before the empty tomb we stood a while and looking up from there we saw the RISEN CHRIST—He who is able to save to the uttermost those that come to God through Him, for He ever liveth to make intercession for them.

           St. Matthew’s story of the piece of money in the mouth of the fish (Chp. 17:24-27) was the topic of another evening. That the “stater” or half shekel was Jesus Christ Himself, was a new thought to me! The miracle then worked, delivered Peter from embarrassment, and the Pharisees were paid the temple tax, but the true redemption money was Jesus Himself. He would bring fallen man back to God said Pastor Freddy.

          It was good to be taken to the shores of Galilee where our Pastor made us stand with the backslidden. Peter and his six mates and face Jesus who put the question to us, as He did to Peter that morning, “Do you fondly love me?” Agape not “Philos.” The latter, an ego-centric love patterned on human love, evoked and motivated, not spontaneous, but “Agape” that higher love, sacrificial, unselfish, creating value in its object spontaneous, overflowing, unmotivated. This is the love of God which is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit.

       “A goodly heritage:’ too is ours the Psalmist says. The chief pastor set before our eyes this pleasing prospect, Taking his New year message from the words of Haggai the prophet to the discouraged people of this time. “The glory of the latter house shall be greater than of the former.” Pastor Freddy appealed to us to rise up and build the temple. God’s desire today, is the  same as it was in Haggai’s day, to enhance the glory of the latter house – so forgetting the things that are behind, if we reach forward to the things that are before and  co-operating with God we start to build, God will bless us. We build not in brick and mortar. Temple is the church the Body- of Christ build of  “Living stones” of men and women baptized of one spirit into one Body.

          This is our heritage and it is for us to make it a reality. We thank God for a blessed Convention May the Lord give us grace to utilies the blessings we received for the building up of His church in this land.

         ‘‘Come Holy Spirit, come like a flood, Come with Thy blessing, with scepter and rod.

Burdened for sinners through Thee I’ll prevail.

Wipe Thou my tears, when trials assail

“Two thankful ones.


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